Finger info for

PSA - RetroBytes on LunarIRC

I casually lurk around sub-reddits every once in a while and came
across a promotion of a retro computing oriented IRC channel on a network
called LunarIRC. I was not familar with the network and joined the channel
to see what it's about.

It started off very chill but only after a few days one of the admins named
'\\Mr_C\\' started bullying one of the users for painting their nails.
The person in question felt uncomfortable with their gender being questioned
and publically discussed in this retro computing channel.
It was VERY uncomfortable.

The admin, '\\Mr_C\\' then went on to rant about people being dishonest
about their gender over the internet and hiding their identity from him,
while exclaiming literal hatred for gay people, spouting racial slurs.

I spoke up and questioned the toxicity, one of the other moderators/admins
dismissed it and wanted everyone to move on, but let '\\Mr_C\\' go on about his
rants as he pleased. When prompted by another user why he's so toxic, he told
people to 'deal with it' and that his hate speech is 'free speech' to him.
He then went on to rant about how Freenode is censored in comparison to their

I usually would not name individuals like this, but it's clear that this is the
notoriety they crave. They want to set themselves apart as the hate-speech IRC
server on the Interwebz - so let them have it. Here you go.
Actions need to have some sort of consequences. Let it be known that this place
is just another cesspool.

I also may be present in some of the chat-logs that will inevitably circulate
one day - but let me be clear:
If there was any indication that I'd endorse this channel or this sort of
behaviour - you're mistaken. I left the channel and do not intend to return.

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2021-04-22 16:36:54
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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