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Just for the record (VV Discord Shutdown)

I left Discord in 2018. In my December 2018 TW 1.2 post I had clarified
that contacting me there was not possible, I would not be monitoring the chat
as a result and unable to answer any questions.

I asked people to contact us via IRC or Steam instead.
When I had a helper go into the old Vera Visions server to spread news of the
latest update, I asked them to mention that the server was inactive on
our (the developers) part. We'd be answering and giving news directly via IRC

This is where stupid drama happens.

One of the admins (and voluntary ex-developer - their decision to take a break),
felt that I was shutting down the server.
I did not call or ask for anything to be shut down.

They'd interpreted it that way, because I said that contacting us was only
going to happen via IRC and it could render it possibly obsolete. Although
it can still act as a bridge to people who prefer using Discord.

It is the admins duty to bridge communication between the Discord and us,
since I haven't been on there in quite some time and our mapper has never been
on there to begin with.

So please do not wrongly assume that me, or anyone still working on the game
called for any server to be shut down.
That's purely the Discord server admin's decision to make.

And they have, the server was supposed to be shut down yesterday.

Here's what I have to say about it:
Considering that questions on there were not being forwarded to us and according
to one user on the Steam disccusions, it was mostly content unrelated to the
game, it's probably the right call.

Admin also implied our responsibility to answer questions on Discord when we
don't even monitor it, while they have us on Steam... can join our private
Mumble VOIP server at any time, but haven't in half a year.
At no point were messages ever forwarded to us, it was claimed without us
knowing (as I said, we don't monitor the Discord) that we don't talk to them.

I am thus incredibly disappointed in the admin. This just isn't true.
We were talking almost daily months prior, talked about movies and music
until last week. It is just incredibly manipulative to go out and claim that
we're just ignoring them when nothing was ever brought up and it's their sole
duty to do so.
It's sad to see genuine questions get ignored and responsibility gets
deflected onto us without us knowing it.

In that regard, I regret not having shut it down myself earlier.
That way all this could have been avoided. People would have gone to the right
place the first time instead of being disappointed.

That's all I have to say regarding the matter without getting personal.
The criticism regarding the server administration speaks volumes, if you had
any doubts on who's right or wrong in this case.

However, regardless of who's right or wrong, there are no winners.
Friendships have been damaged over something that matters so little.

This isn't about pushing people out. I am in no position to pick and choose who
works on the game. I need as much help as I can get.

I will now continue to work on the game.
If you've got any questions, you know where to find me.

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2020-03-10 14:46:50
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