Finger info for

Propsero VS Scarlett

My current thoughts on the Prospero VS Scarlett situation:

If Microsoft wants to make money, they might not target the current console
players, but attempt to be more accessible to everyone else who isn't yet
playing video-games on a dedicated system - billions of phone users.

They've invested a lot of their time and effort the past few years into their
Azure system and infrastructure, putting even their Windows operating system on
the back burner. They might believe that streaming to all devices is going to be
the thing the majority of consumers want by Holiday 2020.

I don't see why else they'd put Xbox games on PC other than essentially giving
up on the concept of exclusivity to one particular platform (which may force
other system providers to do the same thing in the long run, if the brand is
more important than some piece of hardware). They don't need to advertise that
Xbox exists to existing players, but they need to be in the mind of people who
look at any other screen all day.

We all know that cutting down on posessions and devices has been the trend going
forward. People want backwards compatibility in Prospero because frankly we've
got too many systems sitting around collecting dust. We want one devices to
handle all of the games we own.

I'll be proven wrong less than a year from now, but it's always fun to

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2019-12-02 21:28:35
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