Finger info for

Quake II playermodels

Been doing a few fun things on the FreeCS repo for any fan of FreeHL/FreeSH.

This is TOTALLY not in the scope of the project, but simply too cool to not
do in FTE - I added support for Quake II playermodels this week.

This includes taunts (wave 0-4) so you can scare scientists by grabbing your
crotch or something stupid. People in Medford who saw me work on it were very
amused by it.

If you need any test player models, check the tastyspleen http-dir because
that's got a ton of playermodels we consider works of art.

setinfo model "model/skin" << syntax. Half-Life player models are located
in models/player... Quake 2's are just players/.

If a / is detected inside the infokey string, it assumed you are using a
Quake II model.

So for HL you'll use 'setinfo model gman', for Q2's grunt
'setinfo model male/grunt' and so on. You get the idea.

This will inevitably pave the road for Q3 playermodel support, but right now
I'm enjoying the MASK one
too much.


When this .plan was written: 2019-08-09 14:23:51
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