Finger info for

FreeCS Development Woes

I'll have time this week to work on FreeCS stuff again,
thanks to everyone in #freecs for sticking around and the occasional

The reason why not many commits have been seen is because I've been busy
with life, another patch for TW, work on FTE and that the current local
checkout of FreeCS has a giant UI toolkit that'll replace the VGUI stub mess.
It'll be a big commit and I'd rather not talk about it and just get to work :)

Expect it to go up sometime this week.

Also, I HATE bug trackers. I will see about getting it disabled on SourceForge.
I never use it. I never look at it - I'm sorry. I migrated it off GitHub when
Redmond happened and I didn't even use it much back then. I'd rather migrate
to mailing lists because then there's an actual conversation going without me
having to regularily open up web browsers to pre-configured pages.


When this .plan was written: 2019-07-30 18:22:34
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