Finger info for

OpenBSD 6.5 + GNUstep

The stock packages cause all sorts of funkyness on WindowMaker (crazy, I know)
but I got much better results recompiling gnustep-gui and gnustep-back from
ports by changing the configuration stage a bit:

Deleted the entire CONFIGURE_ARGS variable setting.

CONFIGURE_ARGS= --enable-server=x11 --enable-graphics=cairo

And then most of my issues were gone.
The backends in GNUstep have gotten wonky over the years, it definitely
struggles getting proper WM_HINTS from WindowMaker.

I had the pleasure of trying GNUstep applications on fvwm and twm.
It's very funny when window-focus loss prevents you from quitting any
of the programs. :)

Sunday update:
If you find yourself running into a floating point exception (core dumped)
error, add:


to the INTERNAL_LDFLAGS line for NON Android in

On my end it says "INTERNAL_LDFLAGS = -fuse-ld=bfd -pthread".
Hope that helps.


When this .plan was written: 2019-07-28 19:29:24
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