Finger info for

May 2019 Status Update

Sorry for the radio silence, I'll get around to updating my site and
most importantly my projects soon.
As always, life got in the way! That doesn't put me down, because I know
that for the next 3 months I'll be free and have time to work on whatever
I want.

Some things I'm pondering about:

1. EukoMTL - Formal release?
There's certain changes I've made to the scripts that compile my site,
most importantly the ability to limit the number of news posts per index.html
and the addition of a News-Archive page.
People on (oddly enough, YouTube of all places) asked for EukoMTL.
Might as well release it more visibly I guess.

2. FreeCS/HL - What's new with that?
Loads and loads of menu/UI stuff. Really boring things, mostly backend stuff,
don't expect the next commit to be about anything other than that.

3. The Wastes - Any updates?
Yes, of course. This is going to be one of the things released in the summer
presumably. I've been prototyping things akin to the Mission Editor in OPF/ArmA
to see if it's any fun. If all works out, you'll see something about it very

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2019-05-24 17:09:49
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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