Finger info for

I Quit Mastodon

Social media just isn't for me. I tried it but if, like me, you expect
to find people that'll actually interact with you and not just
retweet/share/retoot your stuff you'll be disappointed.

Twitter has its problems, Mastodon has its too - Twitter didn't just
suck because it was centralized, but because it's design is to engage
people by making being social seem like it's just one button-press away
when in reality it isn't.
Mastodon copies twitter in the exact same way.

This is not to say you can't get value out of these sites or ~services~.
More power to you if it actually improves your day... in some way.
From my own experience it hasn't, I was willing to try it all but I left
disappointed. If you wanted to improve the way this worked, get rid of
followers, get rid of likes/shares and get people to actually talk to

People will just share comedy images/jokes for followers and attention
otherwise. No matter the service. It's a never-ending popularity contest.

This is just my opinion. It works for millions of others, just not for me.
There's a few of my friends who feel the same way. We're not alone.
I guess I'll just stick to IRC :(

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2019-04-05 11:17:41
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