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OpenBSD + GNUstep Notes

To anyone wanting to compile GNUstep themselves from source...
I would have just installed the package, but I'm not a fan
of the layout and applications the gnustep-desktop package bundles with.

1) Update your GCC/G++

pkg_add gcc
pkg_add g++
pkg_add gobjc
pkg_add gcc-libs

These will create new binaries for gcc, namely egcc and eg++.
Pass those to the configure script from gnuste-make

./configure CC=egcc CXX=eg++ [...] so.

When compiling GWorkspace, I did so in the end without PDFKit.
I could for the life of me not get it to link properly with the new C++ ABI
lib. There's a naming conflict between the old and new libs (/usr/lib vs
/usr/local/lib) and I just needed a working file manager for now.

GSPDF seems to run fine on its own with PDFKit. I haven't had
a PDF to test it with - but GWorkspace refused to run because of it.
The configure process is way more complex for GWorkspace, so things might have
messed up in configure? I don't know.

I'll write a full guide to GNUstep stuff hopefully soon.

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2019-02-26 16:55:10
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