Finger info for

Public Domain Entertainment/Resources

I've recently been looking for more Public Domain oriented resources that
people can use as a form of entertainment. Sad to say the selection is quite
limited at times!

Supposedly a lot of the early Looney Tunes is in the PD:">

But it's difficult to find a complete compilation of those on the web archive.
I've come across a selection of 36 items in varying degrees of quality on there
so that's not nearly the right amount! It obviously also fixates on the toons
that are very difficult to watch nowadays because of the racist depictions in
them at times.

Anyway, maybe in the near future I'll find time to kickstart a PeerTube instance
that would display that stuff? Or maybe have a site that leeches off
or something. I'm not experienced enough in the web-engineering front!

Here's also some other site I've found that attempts to do something similar
but it largely incomplete:

It's a good starting point, I'd say? I've not spend much time on this site.

There's also a great archive of ART at the National Gallery of Art:

Which may be of interest to some who enjoy paintings, portraits, etc.

It's probably worth having my own list on the site somewhere, where I talk
about resources that might inspire! Please feel free to mail me on anything
you want to share in that aspect, as I'm just getting really into this now!

Also expect more FreeHL/CS updates soon. I've just really been busy!

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2019-02-10 02:29:12
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