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Why do I write? It's because I feel the need to express myself sometimes.
But WHY do I write? Seemingly, for almost the worst reasons.

Writing has been and outlet for a lot of my feelings. Sometimes desperate, some-
times aggressive. I don't control when and why but whenever I write I felt like
I need to give any random person a reason to read it.

Most of the time it meant amping it up, that probably comes across as super-
aggressive to those who don't know me and so I just want to say that I'll stop.

I could say more, but that's all there's to it!
I'm not ashamed of anything I wrote in the past, I am kinda glad it's there...
Even the desperate sounding fluff! It's a showcase of change, maybe even an arc,
hell I don't know.

Ryan once said he was so embarassed of the stuff he wrote in his old .plan files
and I never could directly relate as to why. Maybe the stuff I wrote wasn't
so bad? I don't want to look back honestly - maybe in my mind it's worse than
it is in reality? Don't know, can't judge...

...and no, I still don't think Discord is good. Please stop using it!
If you can... which you should be able to!

Apologies to anyone in #qc who I has felt that I was being condescening to them.
I used to riff on other engine-forks for being what I don't consider to be
standards-friendly. My priorities in engine-dev are clearly aligned differently
with what other have in mind.

Some of that one could attribute to me fighting depression. However I will take
full responsibility for it.

I've been fighting depression for a long time and feeling a lot better recently.
I can only hope for understanding and compassion.

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2019-02-07 04:05:33
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