Finger info for

Dropping D3D in The Wastes, Xbox

We dropped support any kind of Direct3D in TW 1.2. One reason was we simply did
not have time to write any of the new HLSL required for the advanced materials
that were introduced (we now feature fully environment mapped surfaces and
proper texture-blending with support for overbrighting and HDR lightmaps).

The other was that testing it became really difficult and we at least know with
GL and Vulkan that what we see on our Linux/BSD machines is what we get on NT.

Anyone that wants to keep using the Direct3D renderers, will have to
recompile the engine with that config setting enabled.


TW 1.0 shipped with support for D3D9. The engine is capable of handling
version 10 and 11, but we never spent much time with it.

There's an experimental D3D8 renderer in there, that was meant for the Xbox
release we wanted to do (and might still tackle if I have time, as I have fond
admiration for that hardware.

It was tested on PCs, we never got the debug-kit setup in the XDK.
If you're interested in porting it, mail me please.

This leaves us targetting OpenGL and Vulkan, which I'm very happy with.

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2019-01-26 17:21:14
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