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The Wastes 1.2 is out

Half a year ago, I released 1.1 - this update however took really long to make.
There's a multitude of reasons for it, first of all it's been (for the most
part) just been me since Megan is off doing school and the other reason is
that this update took multiple attempts to get right.

The Wastes 1.2's development split off right back in July.
Updates to FreeCS had not been ongoing, having focused entirely on The Wastes
that year and I wanted to take initiative to change that. Since there was
demand for Half-Life entity compatibility in both FreeCS and The Wastes a major
rewrite was underway to get both games onto the same codebase.

Did this ever happen? Well, kind of. TW 1.2's entities are all actually from
that failed attempt to get both codebases merged.
Many will have noticed the updated materials and GLSL too, including cubemaps
in basically every map. That's another technology chain that stemmed from the
failed rewrite of TW for 1.2.
In the end, I just ended up porting most changes over into the 1.1 codebase.
It was much more worth it time-wise.

Anyway, I need to take a break for a bit. In the new year everyone will get
quicker updates to the game.
Merry christmas.

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2018-12-20 23:17:04
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