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Steam Controversy?

There's a big controversy about Steam, well, taking a 30% cut from all game
sales. It's not something that's new, it's always been this way... but
now with Epic making their own store (with that sweet Fortnite $$$) and them
competing with a 12/88 cut, developers come out and running claiming Steam is
not worth it anymore.

Steam is doing a great thing as a platform in my opinion.
Could things be improved? Of course! But no platform offers as much as Steam
does. May it be the community sections, groups, and all other types of hosting
and community interaction - Steam is pretty much unbeatable.

A larger cut would be nice, but if they hadn't had that big of a cut, this
environment probably would not have been possible anyway.

I see it as some sort of Steam Tax.

Anyway, I don't think much high quality service can come from the service
judging by its current state and the very little cut it takes.
I would love to be proven wrong! It's just we've seen this pattern time
and time again. Desura with its integration was meant to be
_the thing_ and Epic offers players _NOTHING_ over Steam.
Only developers who get all jolly when they see that they take a larger cut.

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2018-12-11 15:35:56
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