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The whole DragonFly thing

How the whole thing is being handled by Google seems to be what I feared...
I was hoping the whole "Don't be evil" thing holds true, but if there is money
to be made it seems the idea of a company run by progressive techie dies.

Is it a necessary evil in order to gain influence? I don't think so.
Perhaps it's a wakeup call that the big Valley companies are not out to change
the world for the better (anymore?).

Steam China is also announced and Chinese players supposedly don't want it, as
this would mean that the International version would probably be banned.

Is this going to be a trend that might influence the rest of the world to
accept government censorship or monitoring? It most likely will considering
what happened over the past decade, but let's remain optimistic... right?

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2018-12-03 16:11:49
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