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Happy 20th Birthday Half-Life

It's been so long... I can't believe it.

Half-Life is one of the games I started modding seriously.
Together with Quake, they served as my launchpad to get my creations out there.

I started making my first 3D levels for Quake III Arena - it was the usual
map based around underground dungeons, houses and other silly stuff.

Then the MilkShape 3D Trial hit me around the head and got me to replace weapon models. As you know, MilkShape was built for Half-Life and it just kinda happens
to support the Quake engine games because it's not too far off toolchain wise
and it attracts largely similar players I'm guessing.

After levels and models I wanted to code for Quake III real bad, but it was
a bit difficult to get running back in the day on Windows machines and random
installations of Visual Studio Express.

Quake 1 was a lot easier on the other hand with its standalone qcc compiler for
the QuakeC game-logic. It taught me everything I thought there was to know about
game-logic programming... but then along came Half-Life.

I should do a writeup of the background behind mods such as Go-Mod, Overturn
and so on sometime. Keep an eye out.

Also, my buddy's year-long project, Absolute Zero, is on Steam:

I'll be doing a Linux port in the future, if my schedule allows that...

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2018-11-19 18:23:07
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