Finger info for

We're now J.A.C.K. free

Thanks to Spike, we now got a toolchain fully ready that does not rely
on J.A.C.K.'s q3map2 edit.

On an interesting note, I was not able (I tried) to piece together a working
compile of the q3map2 sources from J.A.C.K. - it's kind of incomplete in many
ways. Partly at fault is GtkRadiants very monolithic build system, however
I believe that the way it's packaged in the editor (uncompilable on my end) may
be a thorn in the eye of the FSF?

With the new toolchain in place and me writing cleaner GLSL, I decided to
support overbrights again.

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2018-11-05 03:21:42
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