Finger info for

The Wastes 1.2 - Upcoming Changes

First person interiors will finally make it in.
The center of mass has also been corrected on the models, so they could now flip
over and slide across the map or something.
This will change some of the gameplay on Vehicular Carnage, which I wanted
to equip with powerups and a rocket-launcher weapon anyway...

Other than that, other things have been improved or are being redone.

Overbrights will have to go for now. We tried them for 1.1 and while the results
interiors looked nice, exteriors not so much. It's too difficult to get
satisfying results and on top of that it breaks any sort of terrain blending.
Most importantly, q3map2's terrain enhancements messed with the lightgrid A LOT.

I've fixed that behaviour on tw_valley, so that near the gas station entities
don't get lit the wrong way (aka pitch black).

The terrain blending could be fixed via GLSL, but it'll break the other settings
for overbright lighting.

Entities, such as breakables, have been fitted into the maps. So you can now
shoot out windows, jump through them - stuff like that.

1.2 will also see the release of the native main menu, with (hopefully)
integration to our chat system. It'll be much easier to talk to me
and others that way and to arrange matches.

Other than that, lots of visual changes across the board, as well as
optimisations for textures, models, materials and shaders.

It'll be the biggest update yet, which is why it has taken much longer
than 1.1. I am sure everyone will love it.

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2018-10-29 15:08:53
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