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By-tanders & Tag-alongs

If you look back at the history of our planet Earth, we learn many
extraordinary details about its geography and its inhabitants.

The closer we get to our current position on our timeline, the sharper
our perception is, for obvious reasons.
We may not know much about the worm-like creatures that swam about the Earth
after the Cambrian Explosion, but we sure can tell you a lot about
the life-style of creatures of the Triassic–Jurassic period - despite them
having been completely and utterly extinct for over 200 million years.

Future history knows us. They will judge us, as we judge the ones before us.
If you do not stand up against what is going on in the world, may it be
politics, may it be technology - or both (in the form of human rights
violations brought forth by the expanding monopolies of data-hoarding
mega-corporations) or perhaps something else, something I may not even
be aware of - you will be remembered as the pansy, defeatist,
insignificant human being that you are.

People will look back at you, as the failure that you were.
They will see what you let happen, how your ignorance and laziness
has destroyed the chances of future generations.

There is this phenomenon in the world, I like to call it a blur.
We are easy to judge generations before us.

"How did people not see the evil of the Third Reich coming?
People must have been so naive."

Meanwhile, we completely ignore the evil that is happening right at this
very moment. At this very moment, our society burns.
And most don't even blink. Most don't even care.

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2018-07-01 20:27:51
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