Finger info for


A few weeks ago I got my Google data archive for review.
Most of the data was YouTube videos, Hangout messages were, sparse, to say the least. I used to talk to Gethyn ThomasQuail via Pidgin with OTR very often, but since he's gone that doesn't happen any more.

I am currently trying to basically, migrate everything 'essential' away. It's not because I hate Google or something (because I don't) but the attack surface area is quite big in this day and age.

A few months ago I wrote a critical poem, directed at friends, who thought that Google was the definite "end-all" solution problems of inconvenience.

I like to think about what Jeff Bezos said, that even he knows that eventually, Amazon will fail - it's just a matter of time when and he's hoping not to be around when it happens.

Due to recent surrounding regarding transparency, privacy, drone-projects and data-harvesting, Google needs to be a lot more verbose or else it'll come across as too creepy.

I love what happens on some projects, such as Go, and there are definitely a lot of people working there who I respect, but I don't know what's going on at Google and I hope that people are, legitimately, trying to do good!

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2018-06-07 13:26:25
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