Finger info for

2018 May Setup (or something)

To whom it may be of interest?

I run a ThinkCentre M73 (Tiny), although modified.
The Intel GT processor has been replaced with a i3-4360T CPU,
which came from a used HP laptop. It was much cheaper to get
those components seperately and I now have a machine with
a pretty "modern" HD 4600 graphics chip. It's able to play
most games I throw at it fine while the machine is smaller than
a toaster... technology!
I also upgraded the RAM to the highest possible DDR3 configuration
with 16 GB running at 1866 MHz.

My ThinkPad is a librebooted X200s. I did not yet change its
standard configuration, as it had just arrived a few weeks ago
when writing this.

The ThinkCentre Desktop runs Slackware 14.2, whereas the X200s runs
OpenBSD 6.3. I work seamless between both systems but I need the newest
of the new Mesa setup to work on The Wastes. If that wasn't present, I'd
probably run OpenBSD on both machines.

KDE5 is my Desktop Environment on Linux machines.
I don't really care much for GNOME 3. I used to actually like GTK/GDK
in terms of development. Looking back at it... it's kinda sad how
derailed all that has become. I try not to think about it :(

On OpenBSD I use fvwm if I have to use X11... I can get my with just
tmux'ing my way around. I actually would love to get svgalib working
for FTE and other things just so I don't have to run X11. This is
because running a graphical desktop is expensive battery wise!

I actually do have a smartphone which I (barely) use. It's a Sony
Xperia M with LineageOS 14.1 on it. I use F-Droid as my marketplace
(no GApps) and got a few applications on it. Such as Conversations for
XMPP messaging, Termux, M.A.L.P., Vinyl Music Player, KDE Connect and

There's also a flashed Fire Tablet (Gen 5) running Lineage/Cyanogen.
This is my second one because the first ones' screen died when
bouncing on my bed. Oops.
I did try to get a replacement one, but Amazon does check for whether
or not your account linked to it has shown activity.
What if it was a gift? They don't care. Not logged in? You must be evil!
If you slide your tablet across the bed and something inside it breaks,
it's your fault as well.

I don't really do much on the tablet aside from using it to watch
movies on the plane... or when I want to read books!

I try to keep material posessions to a minimum. So despite wanting to
own physical media/books I really can't. It won't fit into carry-on
luggage, sorry!

Hope those thoughts may be of interest to someone, friends or a future

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2018-05-23 07:32:21
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