Finger info for

The Wastes - Looking Forward

We've released TW 1.0 a month ago.
It was quite overwhelming... we've released mods and other projects galore but nothing like this.

It's been really awesome to play with so many different people on launch from so many different origins. One thing that was really amazing is how many old-timers who played the original mod from the early 2000s jumped on and told us about how thankful they are that we brought it back.

But most important, people from other places came in and loved the way our shooting mechanics felt, how we captured classic, over-the-top styled gore system and how we don't rely on modern gimmicks and actually try a few new things. Such as the abilities system and the vehicle stuff.

Now, we've been busy this past few month listening, reflecting on what needs improving and what things we planned on doing was going to get scrapped.
This feedback is extremely important into guaranteeing that the game grows into something much bigger and better. For example, while we experimented quite a bit with some level-design changes, such as adding vehicles to tw_ramshackle, it is a change that will be reverted by the time 1.1 releases soon.

The vehicles, while a lot of people think they are satisfying to drive people over with, want more polish and variation in the rest of them. So we're working on adding suspension to them to make them feel less blocky as well as adding a new car and 1st-person dashboard cameras.

We might also get around to adding new weapons to them for 1.1.

There is a roadmap that will be posted in a few days on the Announcement page on Steam that I'll be writing up. Keep in mind that 1.1 will contain much, much more than what I listed above. Many changes will be subtle or just affect the balance of the game.

The Road to 1.2

1.1 is meant to be the Update that addresses the biggest wishes that everyone has, whereas 1.2 will introduce completely new stuff entirely. I personally have written some outlines on possible Singleplayer concepts that people might enjoy. So stay tuned.

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2018-05-13 04:51:34
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