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Wow, you're quite a bitter person

Is what I think some people say whenever they read one of my rants :(

I'm not that bitter in person. I just need a place to vent at times.
So don't read my messages thinking I'm an arrogant, shouting brat.
I'm sure it sounds like that to people that don't know me, but please
do not be mistaken that I love software and technology.

I just am not a yay-sayer for everything companies do.
Just because Amazon/Google/Whatever makes a good product, doesn't mean
they are infallible. I don't think anyone should expect them to be, either!

Here's some projects that I absolutely love/adore/support, despite their flaws:

K Desktop Environment
Mozilla (although I personally use Falkon now)

And I probably watch YouTube everyday for my enterainment while eating dinner.


When this .plan was written: 2018-04-06 10:06:18
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