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Some notes on Slackware64 (14.2)

Because I've had to link people in my surroundings to many different wiki entries.
So you want to install Slackware, play videogames and have the newest drivers?
Well, I myself am on Slackware -current now, because that way my Intel HD chip supports OpenGL 4.5 and Vulkan 1.0.

If you're planning on using proprietary drivers, I'd say stick with 14.2.

The order in which you'll want to set Slackware up:

1) Install the base system.
2) Set up SlackPKG to update critical packages
3) (Optional) Move to -current
4) Install alienbob's multilib
5) (Optional) Get KDE5

1) Should be self explanatory. Just do the full install or a custom one. I usually recommend people to install everything except for stuff like graphical applications and DE's/WM's they don't care for. But there is nothing wrong about doing a full install.

2) Settting up Slackpkg is simple. Edit /etc/slackpkg/mirrors as root and uncomment _one_ mirror.
Some mirrors on 14.2 are dead, so when the `slackpkg update` command fails, you know to choose another. Once you uncommented _one_ mirror, run the commands in the following order:

  # slackpkg update gpg
  # slackpkg update
  # slackpkg install-new
  # slackpkg upgrade-all
  # slackpkg clean-system

That ensures that you got an up to date Slackware 14.2 system. I am sure the same will apply to future versions.

3) (Optional) Move to -current
Perform a system restart to make sure everything in RAM is up-to-date.
Then edit /etc/slackpkg/mirrors again and edit the line that you've (in case slackpkg updates itself, that line however may be commented again) however, change the mirror line to replace `14.2` with `current`.

Then proceed to use the slackpkg commands from step 2. Reboot to boot into your new kernel.

4) Installing alienbob's multilib

Just enter this series of commands:

If you're on 14.2:
  # SLACKVER=14.2

If you're on current:
  # SLACKVER=current

And for both the rest:
  # mkdir multilib
  # cd multilib
  # lftp -c "open ; mirror -c -e ${SLACKVER}"
  # cd ${SLACKVER}

As root:
  # upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new *.t?z
  # upgradepkg --install-new slackware64-compat32/*-compat32/*.t?z

5) (Optional) KDE5 thanks to ktown
KDE4 is quite old, so you might want to get KDE5 (great desktop environment) which currently is being maintained by alienbob for Slackware.

First of all, exit X11.

Then remove these packages:

  # removepkg /var/log/packages/*-4.14.3-*
  # removepkg amarok
  # removepkg kscreen
  # removepkg kactivities
  # removepkg kde-workspace
  # removepkg kdeconnect-kde
  # removepkg kdepim
  # removepkg kdepimlibs
  # removepkg kdev-python
  # removepkg kdevelop-php
  # removepkg kdevelop-php-docs
  # removepkg libkscreen
  # removepkg libmm-qt
  # removepkg libnm-qt
  # removepkg plasma-nm
  # removepkg polkit-kde-agent-1
  # removepkg polkit-kde-kcmodules-1
  # removepkg wicd-kde

Some of them are not part of an average slackware install, like the polkit- lines.
So don't panic when those throw an error.

  # rsync -Hav --exclude=x86 rsync:// 5/

  # rsync -Hav --exclude=x86 rsync:// 5/

  # upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new x86_64/deps/*.t?z
  # upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new x86_64/deps/telepathy/*.t?z
  # upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new x86_64/kde/*/*.t?z

Then feel free to edit /etc/inittab and set runmode from 3 to 4 to get a login-screen.

Keep on mind that while most 14.2 Slackbuilds from work on -current, some don't - and some don't require additional dependencies.

For example, VirtualBox fails to compile right now because of some gcc changes. I just downloaded the Oracle .sh installer.

Another example, Discord needs a ton of dependencies on 14.2, but doesn't require any on -current. Just so you know.

Hope this helped anyone.


When this .plan was written: 2018-03-28 16:17:11
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