Finger info for

I'm tired...

Alphabet here, Alphabet there.
Google this. Google that. The company. The giant.

Google introduces new X... Google launches new Y.
Google buys A... Google shuts down B.
Everything under one account... everybody has got one.

Google wants to do this... Google will have done that.
Innovation here... failures there.
Lessons learned... do you think so?
Do you really, really think so?

Pretending that they have a cause... making a dozen different chat applications...
only to get project managers their christmas bonuses.

People who don't realize they have an account with them...

Is Google Mail anything special compared to anything else?
Is Google Search anything special compared to anything else?

Convenience. Everything is in one place.
Question is... do you _want_ everything in one place?

In the age of the silicon, in the age of the machine?
In the days of one breach after another?

Do you really think they are too big too fail?
Do you really, really think so?

Don't be so fearful, but don't be so naive.
Part of you wanted to disconnect for some time.
You didn't need them then, you didn't need them now.

It is time.
I take a stand. I say goodbye.


When this .plan was written: 2018-03-21 08:04:53
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