Finger info for

The Wastes - Upcoming Events

Alright, so The Wastes will have to find a publisher. This year.
If we do not find one, we will be forced to go into Early Access. Time is running out sadly (time meaning money). Everything was self-funded for the most part up until this point. Now, if we were to go with someone like Devolver, we will be able to work on the game for almost another year or so I hope. That would mean polishing the game up to the highest standard.
Now, I am critical of Early Access games myself. I only bought into one (That was Shroud Of The Avatar) and as you can probably guess, I am aware of the risks.
But if we are forced to go into Early Access and get to be known for something, please know that I did not want it to go this way.

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2017-10-31 16:35:38
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