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KDE 5 Plasma Upgrade & Thoughts

I upgraded my Slackware64 14.2 machine a few days ago to use KDE Plasma 5. Thanks to Alienbob's package repo this was rather painless.
KDE4 started to grow on me before (I thought it was too shiny and glossy... but the dark Oxygen theme made up for it) but a lot of functionality started to break. So I thought it was time to upgrade.

1) Google account integration is broken? No Drive/Messaging works via Telepathy.
2) ICQ in Telepathy is broken as well (Yes, I use AIM too. Add eukara95 before December)
3) I get my own messages sent back to me in Telegram's Telepathy integration.
4) Clear your KDE settings from your home dir before you upgrade. Thing wouldn't boot to desktop at first.
5) Kate crashes when editing a specific document.

Aside from these problems, I love it. This is the best environment I have ever used.
I noticed that the LiveDVD the KDE supplies does not ship with nearly as much software as it should.
Try it on a proper distribution to check it out.

- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2017-10-18 14:14:27
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