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Political Rant...

Recently there was a shooting in Las Vegas. I don't have to go into the numbers, I am sure you can find these yourself.
An often brought up issue at events like these is gun control.

One thing is very frustrating for sure, that is seeing people get insanely aggressive when that is even brought up.
For many, when they hear 'gun control' they hear 'all guns shall be banned and inaccessible to all'.
Think about this for a moment, gun control does not even have to involve banning of individual guns AT ALL, but could be used to make sure that some guy does not take dozens of rifles up to a HOTEL room.
Instead of trying to start a conversation about what could be done to prevent these things from happening, they often disregard any idea of checks altogether. It is one of these moments where it feels like that people think very much in black&white, literal terms. This way of thinking is so freaking inappropriate for the 21st century I don't even know where to begin.
That's all.

- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2017-10-05 11:44:34
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