Finger info for

Become more portable...

I shipped over my PC in a giant box of parts over to Canada where I am living right now. It lasted not even a month. That is obviously quite... frustrating. Luckily I did invest in a T410 almost a year ago, which I am using right now. But I also have a hacked tablet, 2 phones (Android and an iPhone) so there are plenty of communication tools. The laptop does everything I want, but I want to add more RAM perhaps and plenty of more space (in SSD form preferrably). I want to say goodbye to the Desktop, essentially. Everyone that travels a lot would love to NOT worry about a huge desktop tower. So while I am pissed, it saves me a lot of transporting hassle in the end. I just hope the laptop lasts long enough.

When this .plan was written: 2017-09-19 21:55:51
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