Finger info for

No particular title

I'm just upset and disappointed today. I'm not that much of an ebay
user, like I rarely participate in biddings because most of the time
people outbid me anyway, but this time I had everything going for me.
Now hear me out, I actually won the item.
That's because the seller wouldn't ship it anywhere (pickup only) and
because it was such a very specific piece of cardboard (literally)
that only people that would look for such a thing specifically would
find it.

Anyway, after waiting for the result of the auction, I won it and
paid immediately (it was only a buck).

Now I get a message around midnight of the seller saying that his ex-wife
threw it out the day before because she thought he wanted to get rid of
it. Now I am not going to claim anything about whether or not that's true -
but here are the facts:

1) Who throws something away before asking?
2) How come he only notices that she threw it out after its over? (CANCEL THE DAMN BIDDING)
3) The seller had a buy-it-now option for 100 €, implying that he might have wanted to get more out of the deal

Now, multiple peeps I know have the suspicion that he wanted to get more out of the deal. Fine. I'm not gonna say anything in that direction but his case certainly doesn't look too good. He had requested my bank info so he could pay me the 1€ back but I figured that it would be too much effort to bother. Keep the buck and be reminded that you've done wrong or something.

I'll watch an eye out if someone puts up a similar listing. Let's just say if anything fakey seems to be going down I'm ready to fight for my right.

When this .plan was written: 2016-07-18 09:31:54
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