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More tools

The landscape of Quake tools on platforms other than Windows is a wasteland - luckily we got map compilers covered for the most part, but when it comes to editing of the other binary file formats it can get pretty Wine-ish.
Next to my palette tools I've been working on some more freaky lump stuff because why the hell not. I hope to integrate these into the next release of NGUNIX of some sort - or just create the ability to load .tga/.pcx file formats.
I was originally against this sort of thing, though. I'm a big fan of consistency and tbh if you'd run NGUNIX on a Pentium it might be stuck for a little while translating all the 24bit pictures into 8bit paletted lumps. Maybe make it so that they'll be dumped on disk? No idea if I should even bother with the entire format support.

At least nothing I do in that regard will break compatibility.


When this .plan was written: 2016-05-06 12:06:55
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