Finger info for

Available archives:
  2025-01-28 15:41:26 -- Bugzilla decommissioned.
  2025-01-21 17:05:45 -- SDL3 officially released!
  2024-10-04 23:21:21 -- SDL3 hits ABI lock!
  2020-05-18 12:16:35 -- Bugzilla 5.0.6 vs MySQL 8
  2020-05-06 14:44:34 -- The Eternal Castle for Nintendo Switch!
  2020-01-31 21:43:42 -- Descent 3 returns!
  2019-12-27 02:04:18 -- Arcade1up kill switches
  2019-03-03 15:54:21 -- Arcade1up LCD Marquee
  2019-01-19 05:40:41 -- Arcade1up quickies
  2019-01-12 16:33:17 -- Arcade1up volume switch replacement
  2019-01-10 00:26:56 -- Arcade1up rom set trimming
  2019-01-07 07:08:00 -- Arcade1up speaker upgrade
  2019-01-01 09:32:56 -- Arcade1up power and volume switches
  2017-05-06 06:14:33 -- UDP proxy with Emscripten
  2017-05-06 02:14:33 -- UDP proxy with Emscripten
  2017-05-01 14:21:19 -- UT99/emscripten
  2016-08-29 00:41:15 -- Introducing SDL2 audio capture support
  2016-08-19 15:51:18 -- Learning OpenGL in 2016
  2016-06-22 01:44:39 -- Announcing imessage_archive
  2016-04-25 03:02:30 -- OpenGL on the Mac is a problem that won't go away
  2016-04-01 01:22:04 -- I get asked a lot about the process of porting games, so here you go.
  2016-03-29 13:38:17 -- My Linux work on Serious Sam is now merged.
  2016-03-22 12:21:08 -- 13 files left to hand-merge with the Serious Engine open source release.
  2016-03-21 00:20:22 -- More bloviating about .plan files
  2016-03-14 10:54:36 -- IcculusFinger meets Markdown.
  2015-09-26 00:54:33 -- Uh, https, I mean
  2015-09-26 00:49:07 -- Still alive
  2013-08-07 14:41:13 -- Mostly I'm on Twitter
  2012-06-08 04:46:59 -- Speaking at SELF2012 tomorrow
  2012-05-31 23:58:47 -- Announcing Psychonauts, women characters in Killing Floor and Dungeons of Dredmor
  2012-01-02 03:11:15 -- Announcing MojoShader effects, TheoraPlay, MojoDDS
  2011-12-20 22:34:03
  2011-12-15 02:46:43
  2010-10-29 03:53:07 -- Eric Wing's book
  2010-07-06 20:51:14 -- Announcing Aquaria source code, SteamTags
  2010-05-19 17:31:12 -- Announing Killing Floor, Braid, RoboMath, 12 other things
  2010-01-04 03:57:28 -- She said yes!
  2009-12-14 13:25:51 -- Scratchware
  2009-11-08 16:46:03 -- FatELF followup
  2009-11-03 19:56:22 -- FatELF failure update
  2009-11-03 19:08:04 -- FatELF failure
  2009-10-26 15:55:17 -- FatELF commentary
  2009-10-19 05:38:45 -- Announcing FatELF
  2009-10-13 03:12:19 -- SDL 1.2.14 imminent
  2009-03-31 05:39:01 -- CVS gone, ezmlm-to-Mailman migration
  2009-03-23 03:44:22 -- More Linux and bandwidth ranting
  2009-03-21 23:40:17 -- Announcing COD:WAW, Black Shades/ios, sunsetting CVS, rant on Linux dot-files
  2009-02-22 03:04:11 -- New Prey build
  2009-02-13 01:34:14 -- Announcing QSSM
  2008-12-09 20:19:20
  2008-12-08 23:47:09 -- More Prey client notes
  2008-11-26 13:48:54 -- Prey client update
  2008-11-08 19:38:12 -- Announcing Crysis Wars Linux server
  2008-11-04 22:20:30 -- This is a quote from The West Wing.
  2008-10-23 15:42:49 -- Announcing Prey client for Linux
  2008-10-01 23:27:18 -- Announcing Magic Match Adventures
  2008-09-24 03:26:35 -- GSoC 2008 wrapup
  2008-09-18 06:38:30 -- Announcing QSSN/politics, UT3 screenies
  2008-06-30 23:42:50 -- Announcing COD4 1.7 Linux server
  2008-05-31 14:52:26 -- Announcing Postal 2 free multiplayer, initial ioquake3 VoIP patch
  2008-05-27 17:48:40 -- Announcing Hidden Mysteries: Civil War
  2008-04-22 23:32:23 -- GSoC2008 begins
  2008-03-02 22:30:07 -- Thoughts on software localization
  2008-02-28 05:24:51 -- Please help translate MojoSetup!
  2008-02-05 07:38:27 -- Rant about 2008 presidential primaries
  2008-02-01 18:53:29 -- Announcing COD4 1.5 patch
  2007-12-18 13:17:00 -- UT3 Linux server available
  2007-11-27 03:05:14 -- COD4 Linux server available
  2007-10-30 14:00:18 -- MOH: Airborne Linux server available
  2007-10-14 01:38:35 -- UT3 Linux server beta available, Greg/Katya have a kid, Matt passes the bar. I twitter.
  2007-10-07 16:50:57 -- SDL 1.3 wishlist
  2007-09-24 04:58:52 -- Paul Graham quote
  2007-07-30 19:48:01 -- Apparently I got a haircut.
  2007-07-21 16:31:54 -- Some lies about UnrealEngine3. :(
  2007-07-16 23:35:34 -- "Momma bugs tell their children to behave or Sam Lantinga will get them."
  2007-05-12 12:12:52 -- Announcing MojoSetup, talking about slam poetry
  2007-04-16 05:06:04 -- Kurt Vonnegut, Gilbert and Sullivan, and Richard Stallman walk into a bar...
  2007-04-10 22:20:53
  2007-04-03 02:00:42 -- Announcing PhysicsFS 1.1.1 and yet-another Toby rewrite
  2007-02-12 20:07:06 -- These are a few of my favorite things
  2007-01-06 21:52:15
  2006-11-14 01:41:34 -- Announcing RocketBowl and Postal Fudge Pack
  2006-11-07 11:09:50 -- Get out there and vote.
  2006-08-30 13:28:05
  2006-08-28 20:15:35 -- Rant about TCP ports below 1024
  2006-08-12 04:13:06 -- Announcing Facade for Mac OS X
  2006-07-18 02:55:49 -- Announcing Prey dedicated server, grinding in video games
  2006-07-07 15:19:16 -- Project updates, one-sentence poetry
  2006-06-24 20:40:51 -- Cars, COD2, Second Life, FLOSS Weekly
  2006-06-16 21:26:57 -- Link to interview on FLOSS Weekly
  2006-06-12 20:55:34 -- Announcing Google Earth for Linux
  2006-06-07 14:58:16 -- Kids draw pictures of me
  2006-05-14 16:37:57 -- Some things Linux should steal from Mac OS X.
  2006-04-24 18:23:48 -- No more ArmyGame ports
  2006-04-10 14:05:38 -- Thoughts on Apple Boot Camp
  2006-03-14 22:14:03 -- Announcing Red Orchestra Linux server
  2006-03-05 21:23:07 -- Announcing Univeral Binaries for Spider-Man 2 and Shrek 2
  2006-02-21 18:10:04
  2006-02-15 06:59:16
  2006-02-10 14:54:50 -- Announcing Second Life alpha build
  2006-02-08 16:34:19 -- Announcing Postal 2 patch
  2006-02-03 15:24:10 -- Announcing Universal binaries and Epic Megapack for UT2004/mac
  2006-01-24 14:14:49 -- Universal Binary of UT2004 coming soon, stop asking me
  2005-12-30 05:47:30 -- No more old glibc support
  2005-12-15 16:37:32 -- Back up again
  2005-12-12 19:13:48 -- Planned downtime
  2005-12-06 00:31:07 -- Fuck MySpace
  2005-12-04 18:28:34
  2005-12-03 01:53:48
  2005-11-10 16:32:34
  2005-10-29 02:48:54
  2005-10-20 14:40:47
  2005-10-15 07:06:38
  2005-09-19 00:48:01 -- Eulogy for John R. Hall
  2005-08-26 16:48:04 -- Quake 3 GPL'd
  2005-08-16 15:10:28 -- Fast prototyping vs the Torque2D example program
  2005-08-09 18:28:26 -- Lugaru beta testing
  2005-08-05 18:09:50 -- Notes on fast prototyping
  2005-07-30 05:30:33 -- Postal1/mac, UE2 render targets, Def Poetry
  2005-07-26 17:02:10
  2005-06-25 20:28:10 -- John Hall's cancer relay
  2005-06-17 13:54:29 -- Fix The Fucking Finder
  2005-06-12 16:24:02 -- Buy Brian Hook's book
  2005-06-10 21:42:20 -- Porting things to Intel Mac as fast as possible
  2005-06-07 14:12:46 -- Thoughts on Intel Mac transition
  2005-04-01 16:47:15
  2005-03-30 12:45:31
  2005-03-12 22:08:28
  2005-02-23 00:03:18
  2005-02-20 07:53:25
  2005-02-10 01:43:05
  2005-01-05 02:01:23
  2004-12-20 22:53:51
  2004-12-16 08:47:03
  2004-12-14 17:22:36
  2004-12-09 23:12:07
  2004-12-06 23:43:09
  2004-11-29 16:23:52
  2004-11-25 16:57:13
  2004-11-23 14:14:40
  2004-11-22 06:10:32
  2004-11-13 12:11:12
  2004-11-10 18:58:33
  2004-11-04 03:54:12
  2004-10-26 19:04:47
  2004-10-19 19:04:38
  2004-10-13 10:29:34
  2004-09-24 16:51:26
  2004-09-15 10:16:45
  2004-08-21 18:04:42
  2004-08-15 18:21:38
  2004-08-07 21:42:18
  2004-08-06 11:43:01
  2004-08-03 06:23:04
  2004-07-27 12:29:18
  2004-07-09 04:22:26
  2004-06-29 13:50:53
  2004-06-27 05:03:25
  2004-06-20 11:35:27
  2004-06-16 02:20:47
  2004-06-01 23:20:04
  2004-05-29 23:16:37
  2004-05-28 20:39:13
  2004-05-25 11:21:41
  2004-05-22 04:51:44
  2004-05-06 17:54:36
  2004-05-03 03:01:08
  2004-04-24 08:35:08
  2004-04-19 10:25:15
  2004-04-09 01:17:34
  2004-04-02 02:03:10
  2004-03-31 04:04:00
  2004-03-29 10:45:17
  2004-03-19 02:02:06
  2004-03-15 21:20:51
  2004-03-10 21:10:57
  2004-03-09 15:46:03
  2004-03-05 02:37:04
  2004-02-26 00:35:08
  2004-02-24 00:43:46
  2004-02-21 04:13:14
  2004-02-18 22:26:21
  2004-02-15 06:51:03
  2004-02-13 05:01:23
  2004-01-31 19:37:50
  2004-01-30 18:42:39
  2004-01-27 14:14:57
  2004-01-07 22:34:17
  2003-12-25 05:48:48
  2003-11-26 01:59:25
  2003-11-17 17:12:19
  2003-10-30 01:13:01
  2003-10-27 00:23:12
  2003-10-25 09:51:07
  2003-10-20 07:03:34
  2003-10-14 19:09:31
  2003-10-13 09:45:40
  2003-09-26 05:21:57
  2003-09-12 23:13:18
  2003-08-29 23:44:05
  2003-08-26 22:44:27
  2003-08-22 18:13:27
  2003-08-16 23:58:15
  2003-08-08 00:20:32
  2003-08-06 13:01:11
  2003-08-05 07:17:39
  2003-08-03 06:43:45
  2003-08-01 06:22:13
  2003-07-29 04:10:06
  2003-07-23 11:18:57
  2003-07-16 23:07:50
  2003-07-04 20:53:44 -- I moved to Raleigh
  2003-06-17 21:58:32 -- Visiing Epic to merge, out at WWDC next week
  2003-06-15 18:43:47 -- i.o has moved
  2003-06-05 22:40:00 -- Rant about SDL being "slow on Macs"
  2003-06-01 21:47:07 -- UTPG, UT2003 RC4, moving i.o
  2003-05-30 08:52:36 -- Stealing power from the neighbors
  2003-05-19 05:57:22 -- UT2003 FSAA and Q&A, trapped at LAX
  2003-05-16 13:40:19 -- Please buy Mac games so I can make more of them
  2003-05-14 01:17:35 -- Went to LA for E3 2003
  2003-05-08 09:01:44 -- Upgrade to OS X 10.2.6, review of the Apple Music Store
  2003-05-01 16:01:37
  2003-04-28 21:52:27
  2003-04-18 20:05:31
  2003-04-10 07:03:26
  2003-04-06 23:42:41 -- Announcing Devastation/linux, Duke3D work
  2003-03-27 14:09:37 -- No more bf1942, notes on the Wind Waker
  2003-03-14 06:31:39
  2003-03-01 04:00:14
  2003-02-16 15:07:27 -- Nintendo fanboying is awesome
  2003-02-11 23:51:29
  2003-02-07 22:13:47
  2003-02-01 01:40:37 -- I get mad at RAD Game Tools, first signs of burnout
  2003-01-30 14:02:38
  2002-12-20 05:23:07
  2002-12-09 21:32:55 -- Apparently I set up WiFi for the first time.
  2002-12-05 20:20:45 -- "All I do is eat, sleep, code, and shit."
  2002-12-04 19:09:46 -- Slight delays on games shipping
  2002-12-03 04:24:50 -- December cleaning, games shipping
  2002-10-28 07:52:06 -- All sorts of projects in the works
  2002-10-09 20:27:28 -- SDL_sound 1.0, BF1942, RHCP and Counting Crows, books, Serious Sam despair
  2002-07-21 10:07:18 -- Ogg Vorbis 1.0 hooray, Serious Sam 1.07 merge complete
  2002-07-15 09:38:12 -- Announcing MOHAA Linux server public beta
  2002-07-08 01:19:32
  2002-07-03 21:57:26 -- Announcing MOHAA Linux server
  2002-06-27 15:40:15 -- Books make bad movies, untossing a salad
  2002-06-20 19:49:12 -- Ignatius J. Reilly, KMFDM, Serious Sam 1.07 merge
  2002-06-12 05:26:21 -- Cuckoo's Nest, The Eminem Show, Serious Sam almost beta
  2002-06-04 00:40:56 -- More books, more Serious Sam
  2002-05-23 11:08:43 -- Actual Serious Sam progress
  2002-05-21 06:42:53 -- In which I repair an iMac with a floppy disk casing.
  2002-05-18 08:36:04
  2002-05-18 08:36:04 -- Some more pretentious shit about Tim Sandlin
  2002-05-12 02:39:34 -- Some pretentious shit about Tim Sandlin
  2002-05-08 03:04:38 -- Some pretentious shit about Spider-Man
  2002-05-05 23:49:41 -- Ani Difranco's 9/11 poem
  2002-05-03 04:52:39 -- Some music, GCC inline asm
  2002-01-27 00:50:56
  2002-01-24 09:37:32
  2002-01-10 20:51:22
  2002-01-10 18:21:48
  2002-01-07 13:00:59
  2002-01-07 11:03:41 -- Serious Sam status update
  2002-01-05 22:23:26
  2002-01-05 22:14:55 -- Messing around with TODO list
  2002-01-03 00:42:22 -- More organization, Serious Sam progress
  2002-01-01 07:50:18 -- Fixed sound bug in Serious Sam
  2002-01-01 07:29:37 -- Messing around with TODO list
  2001-12-28 03:47:13 -- Apparently I got glasses.
  2001-12-27 18:17:01 -- Messing around with TODO list
  2001-12-26 05:49:02 -- Serious Sam status update
  2001-12-17 00:22:35 -- Messing around with TODO list
  2001-12-15 19:24:57 -- Serious Sam status update
  2001-12-14 21:00:28 -- Serious Sam status update
  2001-12-13 04:14:58 -- Serious Sam status update
  2001-12-11 04:09:48 -- Messing around with TODO list
  2001-12-08 12:22:24 -- Serious Sam status update

.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
Powered by IcculusFinger v2.1.27
Stick it in the camel and go.