Killing Floor:
is finally getting a playable female character! This ships tomorrow. Updated Mac builds are in place.
love this trend. Dungeons of Dredmor added the option to play as a
woman (and not one wearing a chainmail bikini, to boot) a few months ago.
Now Killing Floor is doing it too, adding a woman named "Ash Harding."
Hail to the queen, baby.
Now shipping in Humble Indie Bundle #5!
This is a brand new native port. If you had the Mac version that's
on Steam, that's running under Transgaming's Cider tech. This is
a new Mac and Linux port, from scratch.
Other stuff:
Humble Indie Bundle #5 shipped this morning, and at the 12 hour mark is
about to pass 1.5 million dollars, so apparently everyone agrees this is
a good batch of games.
My involvement with this one was porting Psychonauts, which brought
Shader Model 1 support (no, really!) to MojoShader, plus a bunch of
other fixes.
I've got tons of game work in progress right now: new stuff, patches to
older stuff, etc. It's sort of a hectic time around here right now.