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I get asked, with some frequency, what to read to get started with OpenGL.

I don't specifically know, because the last time I read an OpenGL book, it was about the fixed function pipeline, and it was 1999, and that doesn't apply anymore.

BUT: if you want to learn this, here's what you need to know, generally.

Shaders! Most OpenGL work now is setting up a little information, drawing a polygon, and then a program runs on the GPU. This runs separate from the rest of your program, and decides what that polygon eventually looks like.

Shaders make OpenGL way easier to learn in 2016 than it was in 2001.

Your shaders will be written in a language called GLSL, which looks a lot like C. There are books dedicated to this (Google "OpenGL orange book" for the official guide, but I don't know if there are better ones out there.)

Once you understand how shaders work, and how to write them in GLSL, you know 90% of what you need to know.

The rest is setting up some basic state, like how your polygon should blend with what's already been drawn, etc, uploading textures and vertex data, and issuing a draw call to draw as much as you can in one shot. More or less, that's the bulk of everything now. 15 years ago, there were 3 different ways to do everything, and some were faster than others, some were only supported on some GPUs, some were just a pain in the ass, and you probably had to write it all three ways anyhow. All of that mess is more or less cleaned up in modern times.

The other thing I'd tell you is that OpenGL has different "profiles." One profile is called "core" and another is called "compatibility." Core is what you want. Compatibility covers everything that GL has ever offered, much of it bad in modern times, all of it too complex, and which pieces are good isn't clear. Core is much simpler and works more like modern hardware. It's almost exactly what "OpenGL ES" looks like for mobile devices and "WebGL" looks like for modern web browsers. If whatever you're reading doesn't focus intently on the core profile, stop reading it and read something else.

I don't mean to minimize the whole system; there's still lots of complexity and GLSL is an entire turing-complete programming language where anything can go wrong, as things do--thanks for nothing Alan Turing!--but it's all pretty clear about how it works without a lot of super subtle unexpected interactions to go wrong behind the scenes.

While not OpenGL, for Apple developers: consider looking at Metal instead.

Metal limits you to macOS and iOS variants, but I believe it's way more friendly to new graphics hackers than any other modern GPU API. Everything you learn there will be applicable to whatever you do with OpenGL, Vulkan, or Direct3D later, so if it's an option, maybe explore that for a few days and get a textured cube spinning on the screen before moving on to something else. It might be the path of least resistance to a solid view of how modern hardware behaves. After that, it's all just API calls, no matter which API you use.


When this .plan was written: 2016-08-19 15:51:18
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