Finger info for


 Now shipping in Humble Indie Bundle #5! This version is now on Steam, too!
 Humble Bundlers should grab the update if they haven't; it fixes several
 crash bugs. Steam users get it automatically. More fixes coming soon!

Super Meat Boy:

 The Linux version that was just added to Humble Indie Bundle #5 has
 several good fixes, and is available to those that purchased
 Humble Indie Bundle #4, too. If you want just the updated files
 instead of the whole download, here they are:

Other stuff:

 I'm speaking at Southeast Linuxfest on Saturday, June 9th 2012
 (that's tomorrow!) at 4pm. If you're near Charlotte, North
 Carolina, come visit!

 I'll be talking about being a freelance open source developer.
 The talk is largely non-technical.


When this .plan was written: 2012-06-08 04:46:59
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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