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 Project page is here:

 I put up a FAQ and prettied up the project page.

 It's interesting to see the comments across the Internet...some people love
 it, some people hate it. A lot of people misunderstand it. Some seem to
 irrationally fear it. People on Twitter seem to like it a lot, generally,
 and people on random tech webforums seem dismissive. Some people are sure
 it'll be the death of Free Software and a vector for malware, but I'm not
 sure why. And, apparently, I'm violating two patents held by Apple.

 The kernel mailing list didn't completely ignore it, which I consider a
 victory in itself. There's been some discussion, revision, and even a
 competing concept introduced. Alan Cox chimed in on the thread about something
 unrelated to whether the idea itself is worth exploring, but that still
 feels like a validation to me that important people might be watching just a
 little bit. For a list with so much activity and good patches that don't get
 noticed at all, motion might be as good as progress.

 I'm not really sure where it goes from here. If/when everyone is in agreement
 about the concept, it still needs to get into a maintainer's tree to start
 the journey towards Linus's git repository. Who maintains binfmt_elf? Do I
 just drop this thing on Andrew Morton's desk with a box of candy and a
 bouquet of flowers and hope for the best? The whole process is extremely
 intimidating to me. It's like making bargains with God. Let me pass this exam
 and I'll eat all my vegetables! And if I survive the stress and make it into
 the mainline, I get to do this again on the glibc list. And the binutils list.
 And the gdb list. And the FreeBSD list. And so on.

 I've never gotten a response to a project like I'm getting from FatELF. It's
 hitting news sites all over the place, generating a lot of talk around the
 Web and in my inbox. It hit Slashdot and Reddit's front pages, and I watched
 Twitter search results change from English, to Portuguese, to French, German,
 Russian, hopping countries and cultures about once a day as it spreads around
 the planet.

 I'm a little surprised that a piece of plumbing, a few hundred lines of
 kernel patches, generates more buzz than some of the games I've shipped.

 The uncertainty of the thing is what kills me. I'd hate to find out all the
 effort was for nothing, but I won't know for sure until I know for sure.

SDL 1.2:

 1.2.14 has shipped. Go get it.

 For those that _hate_ PulseAudio being the new default, you can force
  SDL to use your favorite target instead with an environment variable.

  export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=alsa # forces ALSA.
  export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=dsp # forces Open Sound System

 (esd, arts, dma, and nas also work.)

 The final straw was our inability to get ALSA to behave everywhere, and that
  many distros pipe everything through PulseAudio, even when you think you're
  talking to ALSA (I'm looking at you, Ubuntu!). Basically every target has
  quiet wrappers that push it back to other targets. With Linux 2.6.32's new
  CUSE module, even /dev/dsp could just be a userspace driver for whatever
  else. We decided that Pulse was the sanest default on modern hardware, and
  we find the current feature set and future roadmap for it compelling.

 Add to this that Lennart Poettering, the Pulse maintainer, personally wrote
  the SDL PulseAudio target (and helped us with the ALSA code, too!)...Sam and
  I decided to give PulseAudio our vote of confidence as the default audio
  target for 1.2.14.

 We're pretty confident that 1.2.14 is a good release and a comfortable place
  for the 1.2 branch to retire.

Other stuff:

 Crunch time.


When this .plan was written: 2009-10-26 15:55:17
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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