[ut3] linux client

_andy andy at nologin.org
Thu Feb 28 23:11:45 EST 2008

So.. when do you folks think we'll see the...

Just kidding. Perhaps the constant need for updates stems from many FOSS
users being accustomed to having much transparency in the development
cycle of the applications they use. If i'm curious how far along a
particular feature of WINE is, I can just check the repository. This is
not true for UT3, and for many people it may not compute.

Anyways, everyone can do their part by not asking I guess.


On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 18:25 +0100, Jordi Bosveld wrote:
> David L. Willson wrote:
> > I must have been unclear.  When Ryan says that he's working on it, I believe him.
> I suspected I must have misunderstood... sorry, my bad. Point taken.
> > I submit to you that Ryan is high enough at Epic to make a difference, 
> Yes, but I do not think he needs to be reminded that much... besides, he 
> probably has his own interest in the matter.
> > but I eagerly await suggestions as to those "better places" to post the continued interest in  UT3 for
> > Linux.  I certainly want to express my continued interest in the most effective way
> > possible.
> A while back I would have said the Epic forums, but it seems they do not 
> really welcome inquiries there. I do not really live in the gaming world 
> that much so other than "write to Epic" and "talk about it on gaming 
> community forums", I would not know personally, which I admit is a bit 
> of an anti-climax coming from someone who says there are "better places" 
> for this chatter. I still do not believe this list is a suitable 
> substitute though, but oh well...

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