Seg Faulting Linux Server - Added Info - Again

Daniel Hunt daniel.hunt at
Mon Oct 15 16:24:40 EDT 2007

I've played a bit with the config files after a few warning flags stood out
at me in an strace. I copied all of the Default*.ini files to UT*.ini, and
ran it again.
Now it falls over at a different location:

Init: Friendly System Settings:
Init:   TextureDetail=Level5
Init:   WorldDetail=Level5
Init:   bUseVSync=0
Init:   bUseMSAA=0
Init:   ScreenPercentage=100
Init:   UpscaleScreenPercentage=1
Init:   ResX= 800
Init:   ResY= 600
Init:   Fullscreen=0

appError called:
Assertion failed: GConfig->GetInt( TEXT("TextureStreaming"),
TEXT("MinRequestedMipsToConsider"), MinRequestedMipsToConsider, GEngineIni )
[Line: 244]

Init: Sockets: I am dingo (
Critical: appError called:
Critical: Assertion failed: GConfig->GetInt( TEXT("TextureStreaming"),
TEXT("MinRequestedMipsToConsider"), MinRequestedMipsToConsider, GEngineIni )
[Line: 244]

Assertion failed: GConfig->GetInt( TEXT("TextureStreaming"),
TEXT("MinRequestedMipsToConsider"), MinRequestedMipsToConsider, GEngineIni )
[Line: 244]


Exiting due to error
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Log: appRequestExit(1)
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