[ut2004] probelm with UT2004Demo on IBM R40 with Readon7500 Mobile

Daniel Kasak dan at enthalpy.homelinux.org
Sat Mar 27 23:35:17 EST 2004

Matthias Bach wrote:

>Is anyone running UT2004 on an Readon 7500 Mobile? I am using XFree86 
>-46 and using the standard readon driver for SuSe9.0.
>When i start the game I see many filled-triangles that for sure are not 
>supposed to be there. 
>Framerate is OK.
>There is no output of the game to the standard console. Does anybody have an 
>idea what I can do to solve the problem?
I'm using a Radeon 7200 ( 64MB DDR VIVO ) with XFree86- (4.4.0 
RC 2) and I have very good frame rate and no rendering errors ( that I 
can tell ).
Try upgrading the the above version of XFree.


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