[ut2004] DVD special edition

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at clutteredmind.org
Fri Mar 12 04:35:54 EST 2004

> Also I don't like profiles to be taken of my online behaviour, if 
> it's an anonymous CD-Key - OS - Association that will give statistics 
> about the amount of linux-windows-users that's a cool thing.

It associates to CD key (well, a hashed version of it), not your
username, IP address, or other personal information. We figure that
every time you go to a webpage, your browser reports your OS and no one
seems to care, so this shouldn't be a big deal.

Online stats, which are disabled by default, can track a lot more
(kills, deaths, time spent playing, where you played, etc), but you have
to opt into this explicitly by setting up a username/password for the
stats tracker. Some people like being part of that, some don't, so it's
something you have to go out of your way to be a part of.

> Well, then I deffinetely won't by from them. No DVD ;)

For what it's worth, TuxGames DOES has the DVD version.


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