[ut2004] Missing 640x480 resolution

Matthew Arnold marnold at ez-net.com
Sat Feb 21 21:42:36 EST 2004

Marco Canini wrote:

> I'm using 4496. 640x480 is listed in my x config file, but i don't think
> sdl uses it.
> Anyway i've to say that there's a huge performance gap between playing
> it under windows and linux.
> do you think using 5336 would help?

It might. It couldn't hurt to try. I'm using the 5336s because I'm 
running a 2.6 kernel. The 5336 drivers are the only ones with official 
support for 2.6. There are hacks for earlier versions of the driver, but 
I have no great desire to mess with that.


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