[ut2003io] Serer Failure?

Warren Woodward warrenw at xmission.com
Sat Sep 14 15:41:26 EDT 2002

On Sat, Sep 14, 2002 at 02:48:59PM -0400, Ryan C. Gordon wrote:
> > This is a dedicated game server with a full routable IP address that is running, 
> > among other things, a version of the original UT.  What do I need to do here?
> Your binding an address/port already in use, most likely being used by 
> the original UT. Change them in your .INI file.
> --ryan.

Yeah, I figured this was the case, but I was unable to get any cahnge I made in 
the INI to make any difference.  However, I added "port=7799" in the start line, 
and it worked fine.  Thanks.

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