[twilight-devel] duplicate code

Peter Jay Salzman p at dirac.org
Sat Aug 10 12:23:30 EDT 2002

begin Forest 'LordHavoc' Hale <havoc at inside3d.com> 
> common code belongs in src/<subsystem>
> (like src/base for mathlib, etc)
> There are some identical files that use different headers (I think) and 
> thus can't be merged yet, which is why they have not been moved to src/ yet.
ok, i was wondering what people were talking about -- i had no src
directory from cvs, but i just figured it out.

all the tarballs (zipballs?) refer to sourceforge in CVS/Root.  maybe
release 0.1.1 should be released and have it refer to the pserver on

i'd like to help out with the project, even if only in a small way.
i've got some spare time on my hands and have been reading through the
code.  mathieu's idea of converting strcpy/strncpy to strlcpy/strlcat
sounds good -- it'll help familiarize myself with various parts of the
code so i can do something more substantial for my next project.


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