[referencer] Metadata retrival from SciELO

Leonardo F. Fontenelle leonardof at gnome.org
Sun Nov 30 20:50:53 EST 2008

Em Qui, 2008-08-21 às 23:53 -0300, Leonardo F. Fontenelle escreveu:
> I would like Referencer to be able to retrieve metadata from SciELO
> [http://www.scielo.org], which publishes the full content of many high
> quality scientific Latin American journals.
> [...]

Lucky me, I do pine for the days when men were men and wrote their own
plugins. This is my first attempt to provide a Referencer plugin to
retreive metadata from SciELO.

Even if I was not able to "import referencer" in the python console, I
tried most of the plugin code before I launched referencer with it. To
my surprise, Referencer gave me this error message:

	setting pythonPath
to :./plugins:/home/leonardof/.referencer/plugins:/usr/lib/referencer:
void PluginManager::scan(const std::string&):
	found module scielo
void PythonPlugin::printException():
	Exceção: <type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'>

Módulo: scielo
Explicação: ('invalid syntax',
('/home/leonardof/.referencer/plugins/scielo.py', 123, 62, '    for node
in metadata_xml.getElementsByTagName("pub-date"):\n'))

virtual void PythonPlugin::load(const std::string&):
	Plugin::load: Couldn't import module

The code snippet is:

def resolve_metadata(doc, method):
    xmldoc = minidom.ParseString(xml)
    metadata_xml = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('front')[0]
>>> for node in metadata_xml.getElementsByTagName("pub-date"): <<<
        if node.getAttribute('pub-type') != "pub" : continue
        year = node.getElementsByTagName('year')[0].firstChild.data
    if year:
        doc.set_field('year', year)
        print "scielo.resolve_metadata:",
            "publication has no printed publication year."

I can't understand what's wrong here; the python console (2.6) doesn't
complain, and there's a similar "for" loop before this one.

I'd appreciate a lot if someone could help me fix this syntax error.
Latter, I'll have a few questions which are more related to referencer
than to python.

Thanks in advance!

Leonardo Fontenelle

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