[referencer] Making referencer export to BibTeX as a command-line option

Patrick Farrell cyan at compsoc.nuigalway.ie
Wed Oct 31 12:35:13 EDT 2007

John Spray wrote:
> On Wed, 31 Oct 2007, Patrick Farrell wrote:
>> Would it be possible to have referencer export to BibTeX on
>> the command line, e.g. something like:
>> referencer --export-bibtex=references.bib references.reflib
> This has come up before, the use case being in a makefile or so.  In
> general this isn't necessary if one uses the "Manage BibTeX File"
> function in the Library menu to automatically regenerate the bibtex file
> when the reflib file is changed.  This somewhat reflects my bias as a
> LyX user rather than a straight LaTeX user, since I never have a
> makefile to begin with.
> Is there something about the existing solution that isn't enough for
> you?  Without a compelling use case I'm not particularly inclined to start
> implementing command line options, but if someone else wants do do it
> (neatly) then patches are welcome.
> John

Oh! First off, sorry for not reading the mailing list thoroughly
enough; I looked but I suppose I didn't look hard enough.

I hadn't realised the manage bibtex option existed; it does pretty
much what I want.

Thanks again,


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