[referencer] Making referencer export to BibTeX as a command-line option

John Spray jcspray at icculus.org
Wed Oct 31 08:10:34 EDT 2007

On Wed, 31 Oct 2007, Patrick Farrell wrote:

> Would it be possible to have referencer export to BibTeX on
> the command line, e.g. something like:
> referencer --export-bibtex=references.bib references.reflib

This has come up before, the use case being in a makefile or so.  In
general this isn't necessary if one uses the "Manage BibTeX File"
function in the Library menu to automatically regenerate the bibtex file
when the reflib file is changed.  This somewhat reflects my bias as a
LyX user rather than a straight LaTeX user, since I never have a
makefile to begin with.

Is there something about the existing solution that isn't enough for
you?  Without a compelling use case I'm not particularly inclined to start
implementing command line options, but if someone else wants do do it
(neatly) then patches are welcome.


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