Referencer on x86_64

John Spray jcspray at
Thu May 17 20:31:30 EDT 2007

On Thu, 2007-05-17 at 20:40 +1000, David Laing wrote:
> Although I've had a bit of trouble with it.  I added 7 papers and 5
> tags and then went to exit the program and was prompted to save before
> closing.  At that point the memory usage (according to top) went to
> 900M of main with 3400MB in swap, and there it sat until I managed to
> kill it.

Having spent an hour or two installing an x86_64 version of ubuntu to
reproduce this, I can now confirm that it was being caused by a one word
mistake which took all of 5 minutes to fix :-/

Fixed in subversion, will be fixed in 1.0.4.


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