[referencer] Hello

John Spray jcspray at icculus.org
Mon Mar 5 17:17:16 EST 2007

On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 19:03 -0300, Leonardo Fontenelle wrote:
> Now ./configure fails appropriately :(
> Gentoo's boost package includes all the boost-dev libraries, including
> regex. There are no "-dev" packages because users will almost always
> need the -dev part for something. Could referencer be changed to
> depend on libboost-regex _or_ libboost-regex-dev?

The relevant lines in configure.in are:
AC_CHECK_LIB(boost_regex, [main], [], [echo "Error no boost library found!"
          exit -1


As you can see, there's no explicit dependence on some particular -dev
package, it just needs the header and the library to exist.
If ./configure is failing it's because one or the other of those is not
in your include path or library path respectively.


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