[quake3] Greetings

Zachary Slater zakk at timedoctor.org
Wed Apr 9 02:33:42 EDT 2008

monk at rq3.com wrote:
> The mod that I work on, Reaction Quake 3 (now called "Reaction"), is

> It's not your job to make sure mod creators or someone forking ioq3 makes
> their game work on baseq3 1.32.  It's your job to make sure ioq3 doesn't
> break existing, legacy mods. (hehhe "job", you know what I mean...)  As
> long as extending ioq3 doesn't break anything and it works on most (all,
> ideally) platforms, I don't see why you couldn't include new things.

What I mean by 1.32 compat is always not breaking existing mods. There 
isn't anything else to think about with regard to that

> Anyway, that's my thoughts on it.  As long as ioq3 runs things that ran on
> baseq3 1.32, there's no reason not to extend it--as long as there's a
> rational, consistent method for the extensions.  Something that makes
> sense to you guys doing all the work.  ;)
> Monk.

- Zachary J. Slater
zakk at timedoctor.org
zacharyslater at gmail.com

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