[quake3] Re: non-cheatable game

monk at rq3.com monk at rq3.com
Wed May 16 16:47:35 EDT 2007

You are correct.  They can offer a closed-source UrT based on whatever
code id gives in their license.  They cannot use ioq3's code, though,
since that code is GPL'ed.  Even if they have a license for the closed
source and claim they backported the changes from ioq3, it would still be
in GPL violation as the ioq3 code was released under GPL.  Ergo, the ioq3
code is related to the GPL'ed Q3 code and the GPL, not, the ioq3 code is
only related to ANY version of Q3.

So if the source isn't available in their binary package or via terms
outlined in the GPL, UrT team is in GPL violation.

A grey area exists with calling external libraries and able to keep them
closed source if their functionality does not solely depend on GPL'ed
code.  i.e. if you made a closed-source anti-cheat program that a modified
ioq3 calls, you may be able to keep it closed-source if that modified ioq3
does not require the anti-cheat program to function and/or if that
anti-cheat program does something else or works with other programs.


>> Games like Urban Terror from what I understand, must release the
>> source code as per the GPL from ID Software but there is no source
>> available on their site so I'm guessing UT paid the $10,000 for the
>> private license to offer this free game?
> But does that apply to code that other programmers has worked on in good
> faith and contributed to under the gpl?

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